
156-815 exam practice questions

CheckPoint 156-815 exams let you describe the technical driver for various information technology shops issues. Few of the main IT storage problems can includes storage visualization technologies, business continuity, and the storage infrastructures security.

The CheckPoint 156-815 exam certification can offer the associate level kind of certification for various storages technology tracks like CheckPoint CCMSE technology architecture, implementation engineering, storage administration and customer engineering.

1. To configure for CMA redundancy, which of the following would be necessary?
A. Multiple MDS Container machines
B. The CMA High Availability option selected in the CMA properties window
C. Multiple CMAs configured on a single MDS
D. Multiple MDS Manager machines
E. The CMA High Availability option selected in the Customer properties window
Answer: A

CheckPoint 156-815 certification test is composed of some usual themes such as logical and physical elements, data security, data protection, host to storage CheckPoint interconnections and technology requirements.

CheckPoint 156-815 exam certification focuses as well in the underlying storage technology as well as concepts. The CheckPoint certification is capable in measuring the levels of knowledge of the CCMSE CheckPoint candidate with regards to different IT roles and storage uses.

2. The MDS will initiate status collection from the CMAs when which of the following occurs?
A. MDS-level High Availability is configured.
B. CMA-level High Availability is configured.
C. CMAs have established SIC with remote Security Gateways.
D. Get Node Data action is requested for a specific object displayed in the SmartUpdate View.
E. The MDG connects to the MDS Manager.
Answer: E

